Hope #82

Our local assembly is called “Hope #82” and we meet at the South Seminole Lodge in Casselberry, Florida on the second and fourth Sundays of each month from 3:00pm to 5:00pm.

Who can be a member of Rainbow?

Rainbow members are between the ages of 11 and 20 years old (and Pledges between the ages of 6 and 10). We welcome everyone, regardless of race, creed, color, national origin or religion. Parents can be assured that the values promoted by Rainbow are positive and uplifting. The lessons encourage members to be strong in spirit and kind in heart, respectful toward nature, and giving toward all humanity.

What happens at a Rainbow meeting?

All Rainbow assemblies meet twice a month to hold meetings. The meetings begin with a short ceremonial opening. The Worthy Advisor (or current president) with the aid of the Mother Advisor then conducts the business portion of the meeting. Members discuss and vote on a variety of topics such as charity and service projects, fundraisers, state events, and fun activities and expenditures. The meeting concludes with a short ceremonial closing.

At Hope #82 after the meeting we adjourn to the dining room for refreshments and to work on any current projects. The activities and projects of a Rainbow Assembly are as varied as its members, and only limited by their imaginations.

Who Supervises the Girls at Rainbow Functions?

Each Rainbow Assembly has an advisory board of adult volunteers that is supervised by an advisory board comprised of 7 to 15 dedicated adult volunteers (that have completed an NCIS background check annually) who oversee the events and guide the girls.

Parents, grandparents, and legal guardians of active girls are also welcome and encouraged to attend meetings and activities, and may even join the advisory board. Family members may also volunteer for special projects or functions based on their time availability and areas of expertise. We encourage all adults to actively support our girls by being consistent, reliable, a source of advice and encouragement, even a voice of conscience to motivate the girls to be all that they can be.

Can Parents come to the meetings?

Absolutely! Adults are always welcome at our activities, whether they are attending meetings or fun activities. We encourage parents to enjoy Rainbow with their daughters and to help them develop bonds with the girls and adults of the assembly.

The great thing about the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is that you can be as involved as much as you like. We encourage all parents and adults to experience Rainbow with their daughters, nieces, and granddaughters. From planned activities to traveling with the assembly up and down the state of Florida.

What should I wear to a Rainbow meeting?

Rainbow does have a dress code policy that applies to members and adults, whether attending a local Assembly, Grand Assembly or Supreme Assembly, or any time they are representing Rainbow elsewhere.

Rainbow girls wear dresses (not pants) to the meetings. The dress code specifies formal (or floor length) dresses for special meetings and semi-formal (knee length) dresses for regular meetings. Formal attire prepares girls for what is expected in the corporate world and naturally encourages girls to conduct themselves with grace and self-respect.

To help with expenses Hope #82 has a “dress closet” where there are hand-me-down dresses and formals that other girls in the Assembly have outgrown and passed on for others.

What is your Role as a Parent?

Your involvement and encouragement will help shape your daughter’s experience in Rainbow. She will see your commitment to her growth and, before you know it, you’ll be growing too! You will get to know your daughter’s friends and be able to spend quality time with her while enjoying wholesome activities. Here are some suggestions for becoming an involved parent:

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