
Rainbow Pledges called Hope’s Raindrops is a social and service organization for girls between the ages of 6 and 10.

The Rainbow Pledge Program is designed to build confidence. A Rainbow Pledge member will learn how to accept responsibility and how to be both an effective leader and a dependable follower. She will have the opportunity to learn how to speak effectively and to listen carefully. The Rainbow Pledge Program allows girls to be of service to others, which will bring the girls a genuine feeling of accomplishment. The Pledge Program is designed to teach younger girls the values of Rainbow and prepare them to become members of Rainbow on their eleventh birthday.

Who can attend Pledge meetings?

Pledge meetings are open to anyone.  We encourage the families (including siblings) of Pledge members to attend and to invite prospective members and their parents to come to meetings and events.

What do they do at a Ritual Meeting?

They have a very short opening ceremony, read minutes, and report on activities followed by a short closing ceremony. A regular meeting is only 20 minutes long or less. Meetings are usually followed by an activity and refreshments.

When and where do the Pledges meet?

Our Pledge group meets twice a month in the Rainbow Assembly room, at a date and time set by the Rainbow Assembly and the Advisory Board. The Pledge meetings are held in conjunction with the sponsoring Rainbow Assembly in order for the Rainbow Girls mentor and interact with the Pledges.

Is there a Dress Code?

“Dressing Up” naturally encourages girls to conduct themselves with grace and self-respect, we ask that girls wear bright or pastel (we discourage brown, black, and grey) dresses or skirts to meeting unless told otherwise. To model expectations and encourage our Pledges, we ask that our adult leaders and female guests do the same and that male guests dress up in kind.

To help with expenses we have a “dress closet” where there are hand-me-down dresses that other girls in the Assembly have outgrown and passed on for others.

What activities are involved in addition to meetings?

Every group should have at least one service project per term. Most service projects involve service hours and are not fund-raisers. Because the Pledges are future Rainbow Girls, at least one fun activity per term should be planned with the Rainbow Girls. It is also important that the girls have at least two fun activities during their term of office.

Who is in charge of the local Pledge Group?

The Rainbow Pledge program is sponsored by the local Rainbow Assembly, whose Advisory Board appoints a Pledge Mother and Assistant Pledge Mother. The Advisory Board has no other responsibilities for the Pledge Group.

The Pledge Mother and Assistant Pledge Mother are responsible for the operation of the Pledge Group and report directly to the State Pledge Director and the Supreme Deputy in Florida.

It is important for the Pledge Mother to keep the Mother Advisor informed of the Pledge activities. She should also coordinate joint activities between the Rainbow Girls and Pledges with the Mother Advisor.

Is Rainbow a Religious Organization?

No! The Rainbow Pledge program, however, does require the belief in the existence of a Supreme Being and encourages each Pledge to attend the place of worship of her choice.

What does being a Rainbow Pledge cost?

Rainbow Pledge is designed to be inexpensive. There are no membership fees or dues. However, occasionally parents or guardians may be asked to assist with an activity as a chaperone or to provide transportation or refreshments.

What will each girl gain from being a Rainbow Pledge?

A Rainbow Pledge will learn the importance of being of service to others, to accept responsibility, and to develop her own leadership abilities. She will also have the opportunity to meet other girls and develop friendships among girls her own age. We sincerely hope that each Pledge member will enjoy this program and decide she wants to become a Rainbow Girl when she reaches her eleventh birthday.

How does a girl become a member?

Any girl between the ages of 6 and 10 may become a Pledge to the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls by completing an application and upon being recommended by one girl and one adult from the following: current Rainbow Pledge, current Rainbow Girl, Master Mason, Eastern Star Member, Amaranth Member, Majority Rainbow Member (we can help with that).

Rainbow Pledge Obligation

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